Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Cultivate Gratitude

Client was so happy with the colors and saying!
Valentine, to a friend!

Another Tattoo

It's an honor to have the permanence of my lettering forever on someone's body!

"Everything happens for a reason"

Friday, April 5, 2019

Latest work 2019

Song of Solomon
Portion of song by Kevin Willette "Till the end of the World"
Portion of draft of Song by Kevin Willette "Pflugerville"
Song of Solomon

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Tattoos and friends..... for Life!

I was so excited to actually see the original design I hand lettered
on another Body!  There nothing more satisfying  and moving than
seeing your Calligraphy permanent on another human being!

I used a brush to get these letters large enough and I
think he enlarged them more.  This was all transferred
from paper to scanning and then emailed to Houston and
I think it turned out great!
Thanks, Eric, for wanting MY HAND on your body, so to speak,
For LIFE!  Faith and Determination!  That's what I had during
my recovery of my double lung transplant and Eric had a lot to do with
that!  I trusted him with my life. He was my most awesome (former Marine,
but, as they say... once a Marine always a Marine) NT Nurse.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Green Exhibit Pieces 2015

The Road Not Taken

Close up of The Road not Taken

The hidden message under the mulberry paper.

Below are the pieces in the Gallery.

This is a piece given to me by Kate Bergquist... it had something
to do with Green.. so I put it in the exhibit.

This is a piece created by Sandy Odom.... exhibited by myself
as it was a gift as well.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Sticks and Stones...

Inspirational stones I made for a friend who has
been in the hospital over 60 days.. and still there.  She had a
double Lung transplant on May 6th.

A poem I know by heart!

A poem I hand calligraphed for one, special lady!

Thinking.. by Walter D. Wintle

Close up of the lettering style

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Recent Commission for a Wedding

Original Piece (11x14) she framed for fiance.
Recently, I was contacted by a young lady from out of state. She found me on the internet and wanted me to do a rendering of a song to frame and present to her hubby on their wedding day... She also wanted to have it ahead of time to enlarge it to have to hanging over the gift table at the wedding reception.  It was a tight turnaround time, as well.

Her request was for me to do it in a pointed  BRUSH lettering style, which I gladly did.  To get a better idea of EXACTLY what she wanted, though, I had her send  me some examples that she had found on the internet of the types of lettering styles she liked.  After seeing some "horrible" examples of brush lettering that's apparently out there, of which a kindergartener might possibly do, I replied to her that  if I could even try to emulate that style that I wouldn't put my name on it.  I also sent her the brush lettering styles which I do comfortably for her to choose from.  She was so delighted with my rough draft that she wanted me to SEND THAT to her.  Of course, I didn't, but this was a lesson, for sure.
The blown up version.... 3 feet by 5 feet

This is another shot of the blow up version.  With her face in the
picture, it really makes it apparent of how big it is.  WOW! 
Every mistake is amplified 10 times when one does this! It
better be perfect!  Hahahaha!

Another shot on the 8 foot couch.

I just simply could not emulate these very tastefully. 

A gift for someone very SPECIAL!

I love this quote by Piglet.

These are among the many tools which I used.

Piglet sidled up to Pooh from behind.
"Pooh", he whispered.
"Yes, Piglet?"
"Oh, nothing," said Piglet taking Pooh's paw.
"I  just wanted to be sure of you."

Wrapping paper with some of my used scraps
and practice sheets.

More wrappings

Customized paper for wrapping

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Some recent "commissions"

"H" is for Hope!

Framed piece for Hope


Graduation Gift  (My envelope is in the background for the graduate!

24k Gold Illumination

7x7 Accordion Book for Outgoing CCS President 
Gold and Black Webbed Paste Paper

Illuminated Name with 24k Loose Leaf Gold

Accordion Book Open