Friday, November 14, 2014

Friday, October 17, 2014

Back in the Swing of Things....

To the person who won my "staple guessing" contest of how
many staples were in my incision.
 Well, I made it through the surgery and four months post so far, and yes... I am starting to do calligraphy again.  I have sent out several envelopes already and a couple of small requests.  It's "Back in Business" for me.  Thank you for your patience.... and please be patient with me.
My Case Manager .. a Thank You!

A hand made card

A stone I picked up in Houston (and Calligraphed)
to commemorate my time there
and as a permanent reminder when my
GIFT OF LIFE came to be!

Hand delivered birthday card to a little girl...
the cutest baby in the world... who now is becoming
a fine, young lady.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Just Breathe

These were three brush renderings I did when a friend from High School contacted me about a fundraiser for a certain individual who will be undergoing a Double Lung Transplant this year. 

This is just what it might look like... I do
not have a final rendering yet... I am told
the lettering will fit better on the shirt.
She originally wanted it to be a part of the whole design of a t shirt they had in mind.   At first, they were just going to have the lettering below a weeping willow tree blowing in the wind with another element, a long stemmed, PINK rosebud standing upright underneath.  

The tree, blowing in the wind, would signify the chaos in my life due to Cystic Fibrosis,  the writing signifying the need for lungs and breath and below all  would be the single, stemmed rose bud not swaying, whatsoever, signifying the years of growth and strength in the time of chaos...The bud would also signify the new lungs and the blooming which will come thereafter. In the tree there would also be an 83 to represent the year of graduation but will not be noticed unless pointed out. It would represent the whole class who is behind this person...They are doing everything they can, together, to help, 

This "certain individual" happens to be MYSELF.   I will be taking a hiatus from my calligraphy work and concentrating on my strength, health and recovery.  I will not be taking any calligraphy requests until I am post transplant.  Thank you for your understanding.  

I appreciate the love and support from Donna, who spearheaded this whole endeavor and Audre who took the ball and Made It Happen! I am also appreciative of other alumni in my high school who have embraced this endeavor and who are doing their own fundraisers to help my cause.
There is SO MUCH LOVE out there!  I truly am overwhelmed.

If you would like to donate to my campaign please go to my site/blog:   Thank you in advance!

This is what they had in mind.... but not anymore.
They decided on simplicity and will just have the lettering in black
with the t shirt in pink or sea foam green *See above*. If you are interested in
purchasing one of these shirts, please contact me
and I will send you the link (Trish Taylor )
50% of the proceeds go toward my fundraising goal for the
transplant expenses.