Original Piece (11x14) she framed for fiance. |
Recently, I was contacted by a young lady from out of state. She found me on the internet and wanted me to do a rendering of a song to frame and present to her hubby on their wedding day... She also wanted to have it ahead of time to enlarge it to have to hanging over the gift table at the wedding reception. It was a tight turnaround time, as well.
Her request was for me to do it in a pointed BRUSH lettering style, which I gladly did. To get a better idea of EXACTLY what she wanted, though, I had her send me some examples that she had found on the internet of the types of lettering styles she liked. After seeing some "horrible" examples of brush lettering that's apparently out there, of which a kindergartener might possibly do, I replied to her that if I could even try to emulate that style that I
wouldn't put my name on it. I also sent her the brush
lettering styles which I do comfortably for her to choose from. She was so delighted with my rough draft that she wanted me to SEND THAT to her. Of course, I didn't, but this was a lesson, for sure.
The blown up version.... 3 feet by 5 feet |
This is another shot of the blow up version. With her face in the
picture, it really makes it apparent of how big it is. WOW!
Every mistake is amplified 10 times when one does this! It
better be perfect! Hahahaha! |
Another shot on the 8 foot couch. |
I just simply could not emulate these very tastefully. |